saint joseph



The sanctuaries dedicated to St Joseph

The most important sanctuaries in France


The most important places in France are Cotignac, Saint Joseph de Mont-Rouge and Saint Joseph de Mont-luzin. Cotignac is a small town in the region of Var, where St Joseph made an apparition certified by several sources in 1660. In St Joseph de Mont-Rouge, near Béziers, you can find a sanctuary to Saint Joseph which is also a place for spiritual resources. On May 1st, from Saint-Joseph de Mont-Luzin a pilgrimage in Saint Joseph’s honour starts.


And elsewhere


In Auvergne (france), in the middle of the department of Haute-Loire, is the sanctuary St-Joseph d'espaly. You can find a statue of Saint-Joseph, a cave chapel built 1850 in volcanic stone and a basilica in which there are frescos representing scenes from the Gospel with St-Joseph. The oratory Saint-Joseph in Montréal is the most important place of pilgrimage in the world dedicated to St-Joseph.