saint joseph



Saint Joseph patron of workers.

You are looking for employment?

Do not be desperate!

Saint Joseph can obtain you

The grace to find employment!


saint joseph fioretti


Whatever you qualification is!

Shoe repairer, smith, waitress


cordonnier forgeron serveuse


Wherever you live!

USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia ...


Saint Joseph is celebrated on March 19.

Saint Joseph a saint who had authority on the Christ


Hail Joseph


Hail Joseph, blessed are you among men and blessed is Jesus the child of your Virgin Spouse. Saint Joseph to whom God entrusted Jesus, protect me and my family from health problems and unemployment and help us when the seal of death shall close our lives. Amen.


Memore to Saint Joseph


(Pius IX-1863)


Remember, O most chaste Spouse of the Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who implored your help and sought your intercession was left unassisted. Full of confidence in your power, I fly unto you, and beg your protection. Despise not, O foster-father of the Redeemer, my humble supplication, but in your bounty, hear and answer me. Amen.


Prayer of St Francis de Sales to St Joseph

Glorious St. Joseph, Spouse of Mary, grant us, we beseech thee, thy paternal protection, through the Heart of Jesus Christ. O Thou whose infinite power reaches out to all our needs, rendering possible for us that which is impossible, look upon the concerns of thy children with thy fatherly countenance. In the troubles and sorrows that afflict us, we have confident recourse to thee. Deign to take under thy loving protection this important and difficult endeavor, the cause of our worries, and dispose its success to the glory of God and to the benefit of His faithful servants. Amen.